What Happened

     The new picture on my blog header is the array of IV’s I had when I was in the Indy hospital.  I also have an impressive picture of all the tubes coming out of me.  The ICU doctor told me that from the paperwork he got on me before I got there made him nervous.  Liver enzymes were so high and the pancreatitis attack I had was one of the worst I’ve ever been through and as always it sent my blood sugars soaring into the stratosphere.

     The first thing he did was drop a central line in, I don’t even remember all of the meds I was on.  I was so dehydrated that my lips were bleeding.  I am now very conscience of the my fluid intake, even now I’m slightly nauseous so while I’m not eating, I am drinking a lot of water and doing a glucose check hourly.

     I just wanted to say that the doctors and nurses I had there were the best and I’ve never had better care.  I’m so grateful for healthcare staff that truly cares about patients.